Specialists in accessories
With over 9,300 active product lines, Hama (UK) Ltd. are one of the leading accessory companies in the UK, specialising in a number of areas including photo, digital, audiovisual, multimedia, mobile phones and optics. The UK head office located in Basingstoke, Hampshire employs a strong team, all focused on providing the optimum level of support to our customers across the country. This is further supported by a resource of 1,500 people from our Group headquarters, based in Monheim, Germany.
Cutting edge technology
Since the inception of the business a key philosophy has been to provide the most advanced and modern technological approach. Internally this constantly improves speed, communication and service levels. Externally, improvements are focused on performance, quality and service to our customers.
Hama commissions a new logistics building with a state-of-the-art dispatch centre in 2014. It allows up to 7,000 packages per day to be sent - or even up to 10,000 at peak times. On average, roughly half a million Hama products make their way to our customers every day. Significant investment in this area has ensured that not only has the supply situation of products improved, so has the speed and accuracy at which they are received by Hama customers.
Quality Management
Hama place great emphasis on Quality Management. Within the organisation, our quality management team, supported by state of the art test and analysis equipment, ensure that all products are tested to the highest standards, and conform to all necessary safety regulations.